Sunday, March 13, 2011

J10 The COLEMAN Project


J08 annnnd J09

The group project was awesome.  I thought the challenging assignment was interesting in that it allowed for such a broad variety of solutions.  Each team did a unique product solution for integrating Coleman for the home.  Our group did storage and noticed the storage was becoming a trend.  We saw that in the second day of presentations, more diversely separate product ideas were brought to life.
I noticed that within our own group, everyone worked very well together and listened to one another respectfully.  Everyone got to voice their opinion on each debate.  Everyone has an original idea somewhere in our design.  My contribution to the the group and the product development was based on the visual aspect.  When we decided on which final product to design I started sketching what I could best interpret from what the group was describing.  From this point I took it upon my self to download and learn how to use Google SketchUp.  The program seemed to come naturally for me and I really enjoyed displaying all the awesome ideas our group had for the product. I wish that I had time enough for a more advanced 3d rendering program, but I ended up focusing on fine tuning what I had already created in SketchUp.  I really enjoyed this project and equally enjoyed working with the group I was part of.

Course Reflection

Design 200 was unlike any class I've had before.  I learned a great deal, and had a lot of fun.  The group work was fun, and pretty cool actually.  I have always had an interest in design but I had never seen it like this. The Design 200 class has inspired me to add Design as a minor to my degree.  It is exciting to realize you have hit the point of college that you are actually enjoying the classes, where you are actually upset when missing a class because you were really interested in the lecture for once.  I am glad to have taken the course and look forward to seeing where I will take all this.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coleman For The Home

Team SIX: 

Our team experience has been a great one. We worked very diligently and had most of the project done by week two or so.  Day one was spent with various ideas thrown around, but once the cabinet idea was brought to light, we ran with it.  That running did not stop until late yesterday, we have spent the week tweaking.  Organization wise, everyone has easily been on the same page the entire time due to the email feed we started with all our email addresses by selecting "reply-all" each time someone posted.  We also met once outside of class at Starbucks to get a handle on the whole project put together before having to present Monday.

My contributions have been mainly 3D rendering, but I also had a hand in the brainstorming sessions.  I personally put in hours upon hours each week nit picking my renderings and getting the details done correctly.  I now have a slight obsession with 3D rendering and have now picked it up as my latest hobby.  But back to the project, I created the visuals of the cabinet as a whole, and then took screenshots from each angle for the presentation.

My 3D drawings:

Monday, February 28, 2011

Heskett Chapters 9 &10

It was interesting to read about how design is depicted to the general public through media and other forms of communication.  From companies to governments, design has played a big part in todays world and that is based off the public's view of design.  It is impressive that a concept can make such an impact coming from one individual or group's designs.  Heskett referenced Buick coming back in the 1990's because of the VP's design concepts and the release of the companies revolutionary new line of cars.  I feel that this is happening again.  Buick has come out with a new campaign with a very powerful commercial about "Imported from Detroit":

Coleman Project

Our group has designed a cabinet of sorts for a mudroom, basement, and garage areas. The cabinet will be very versitile and we offer many options for storage space.
The cabinet will be 6' x 3.5' x 3' and will be made of a hard, lightweight plastic. It will be vented so that wet gear can dry ect.
The design process so far has gone pretty smoothly, we all have been accepting of each others ideas and respectfully critiquing.
So far my contribution has been more visual than anything. I have done sketches and am currently working on getting a 3D digital representation. Like the rest of the group, i have also contributed to the design discussions and ideas. I like this group and we all work together very well.

As soon as I refine the sketches I will upload scans and post them as soon as possible. (Same for when I get a 3D representation).

Team Members:

Monday, February 21, 2011

cradle to cradle 4, 5, 6

It is upsetting to read about how we as humans use and don't replenish.  The book speaks of old civilizations that got along just fine before the "western ways" came around.  The Egyptians had irrigation, and Chinese replenished their waste into rice patties.  Nowadays we have products like cars and packaging materials that don't even naturally break down to give back to the planet once we are done with them.  We were all raised in school by the ideal, "cut a tree down, plant a new" but I do not think that is practiced today, at least as much as it should be.
Although I am a HUGE Chevrolet fan, after reading this book, I have a new found respect for the Ford Motor Company.  Now I am not going to trade my Impala in for a Fusion, but the steps Ford is taking to make this planet a better place is impressive.  I hope that other large companies will follow in their foot steps to make this a more evident impact on our environment.  It also goes to show that if a giant company such as Ford can take these steps, then those of us lower on the totem pole should easily be able to follow as well.

The Eames'

I really enjoyed the Eames' films.  They were interesting in that they look at design from so many different angles.  The solar do-nothing-machine amazed me.  I have always been interested in that sort of thing, from mouse trap the game to any and all Rube Goldberg machines.  Their success as a couple is amazing, and I hope to be able to live out my days in a house like the one they designed.
The guest speakers were a nice way to look at the design world.  I enjoyed hearing about their overseas experiences, especially since I cannot ever partake in such a thing due to being in the military.  My main goal in life is to someday own my own company, so it was cool to see  a reference of that right in front of me.  They said they all have other jobs right now until the business really takes off, and thats life.  I hope to be able to work for a company for a while to get experience in the real world, and build a wealth for myself to make a transition into independent employment easier.